Curriculum Database

If you would like to have information about your institution’s use of ultrasound in the curriculum, please send us the information and we will add it in the database. Please email your curriculum information to

Institution: University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Overview of Curriculum: Integrated Ultrasound Curriculum (iUSC)
Years Included in Curriculum: M1, M2, M3, M4
Sample Curriculum Materials: N/A
Publications about Curriculum: Richard A. Hoppmann*, Victor V. Rao, Floyd Bell, Mary Beth Poston, Duncan B. Howe, Shaun Riffle, Stephen Harris, Ruth Riley, Carol McMahon, L. Britt Wilson, Erika Blanck, Nancy A. Richeson, Lynn K. Thomas, Celia Hartman, Francis H. Neuffer, Brian D. Keisler, Kerry M. Sims, Matthew D. Garber, C. Osborne Shuler, Michael Blaivas, Shawn A. Chillag, Michael Wagner, Keith Barron, Danielle Davis, James R. Wells, Donald J. Kenney, Jeffrey W. Hall, Paul H. Bornemann, David Schrift, Patrick S. Hunt, William B. Owens, R. Stephen Smith, Allison G. Jackson, Kelsey Hagon, Steven P. Wilson, Stanley D. Fowler, James F. Catroppo, Ali A. Rizvi, Caroline K. Powell, Thomas Cook, Eric Brown, Fernando A. Navarro, Joshua Thornhill, Judith Burgis, William R. Jennings, James B. McCallum, James M. Nottingham, James Kreiner, Robert Haddad, James R. Augustine, Norman W. Pedigo and Paul V. Catalana  The evolution of an integrated ultrasound curriculum (iUSC) for medical students: 9-year experience. Critical Ultrasound Journal 2015 Dec;7(1):18. Epub 2015 Nov.

Richard A. Hoppmann, Victor V. Rao1, Mary Beth Poston1, Duncan B. Howe1, Patrick S. Hunt1, Stanley D. Fowler1, Lance E. Paulman1, James R. Wells1, Nancy A. Richeson1, Paul V. Catalana1, Lynn K. Thomas1, L. Britt Wilson1, Thomas Cook1, Shaun Riffle1, Francis H. Neuffer1, James B. McCallum1, Brian D. Keisler1, Rachel S. Brown1, Anthony R. Gregg1, Kerry M. Sims1, Caroline K. Powell1, Matthew D. Garber1, James E. Morrison1, William B. Owens1, Kevin A. Carnevale1, William R. Jennings1 and Sarah Fletcher1 An integrated ultrasound curriculum (iUSC) for medical students: 4-year experience. Critical Ultrasound Journal 2011, Feb.

Hoppmann R. Cook T. Hunt P. Fowler S. Paulman L. Wells J. Richeson N. Thomas L. Wilson B. Neuffer F. McCallum J. Smith S. Ultrasound in medical education: a vertical curriculum at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine. Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association. 102(10):330-4, 2006 Dec.

Contact: Dr. Richard Hoppmann
Dean, University of South Carolina School of Medicine
School of Medicine Campus Building 3
Columbia, SC 29208
Institution: Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
Overview of Curriculum: For M1 students, course objectives and pre-course reading material are distributed to medical students prior to clinically based one-hour practical teaching modules evenly spaced during the academic year (approach to dyspnea, hypotension, rule-out AAA, rule-out free abdominal fluid, kidney injury, swollen leg). Skill acquisition is assessed by evaluation forms completed by instructors and students. Contact for more information.
Years Included in Curriculum: M1, M2, M3, M4
Sample Curriculum Materials: (1) Textbook “Bedside Ultrasound – Level 1”
(2) Online videos (see ‎
Publications about Curriculum: (1) Steinmetz, P., Oleskevich, S. Lewis, J. “Assessment of Undergraduate Bedside Ultrasound Education at McGill University” Third World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education, Oregon, USA, 2014.(2) Dobrescu, O., Steinmetz, P., Oleskevich, S., Lewis, J. “Canadian National Survey on Undergraduate Bedside Ultrasound Education.” Third World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education, Oregon, USA, 2014.(3) Steinmetz, P. (2013) Undergraduate bedside ultrasound teaching at McGill University Medical School. Second World Congress on Ultrasound in Medical Education, South Carolina, USA.
Contact: Dr. Peter Steinmetz
Director, McGill Undergraduate Bedside Ultrasound Course
St Mary’s Hospital
3830 Ave Lacombe
Montreal, QC H3T 1M5514-346-9742
Institution: Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Overview of Curriculum: Ultrasound Curriculum
Years Included in Curriculum: M1, M2, M3, M4
Publications about Curriculum: Dinh VA, Frederick J, Bartos R, Shankel TM, Leonard W. Effects of ultrasound implementation on physical examination learning and teaching during the first year of medical education. J Ultrasound Med. 2015:34(1):43-50. PMID: 25542938.

Dinh VA, Dukes WS, Prigge J, Avila M. Ultrasound Integration in Undergraduate Medical Education: Comparison of Ultrasound Proficiency Between Trained and Untrained Medical Students. J Ultrasound Med 2015; 34:1819-1824. PMID: 26333569.

Bernard S, Richardson C, Hamann CR, Lee S, Dinh VA. Head and Neck Ultrasound Education: A Multimodal Educational Approach in the Predoctoral Setting. J Ultrasound Med. 2015:34(8):1437-43. PMID: 26206830.

Contact: Vi Am Dinh, MD, RDMS, RDCS
Assistant Professor
Department of Emergency Medicine
Department of Medicine | Critical Care Medicine
Emergency Ultrasound Director & Fellowship Director
Director of Ultrasound in Medical Education|LLUSM
LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY | School of Medicine11234 Anderson Street A-108, Loma Linda, California 92354
Office: (909) 558-4000 (ext 82310)
Pager: 4643, Email:
Twitter: @viamdinh